Prairie Music Department

The Prairie Music Department is the group that handles Music education at the College Community School District in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, home of the Prairie Schools. The Band and Choir programs at Prairie are of high presitge and are well known around the State of Iowa.


General Music Education

All elementary students take a General Music Education course. The teachers for all buildings are:

Creek Music

Prairie Creek opened in August 2009, marking the first year at Prairie that fifth graders could be in band and sixth graders could be in band and/or choir. The band directors are Amy Schroeder and Wendy Morton, and choir is directed by Tamra Novinska. The students also take a General Music Education course, instructed by Daniel Dyrland.

Point Bands

Prairie Point Middle School hosts Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth graders, including over 200 band members. They are directed by Amy Sams, Michael Davies, and Jeff Schaffer.


Point students usually are invited to honor bands in large numbers. Here are the main Bands they are invited to:

(Ninth grade students are selected by High School honor bands)


Students playing select instruments are allowed into certain Co-Curricular bands, listed here with their directors.

Point Choir

Prairie Point has a famous Choir program. Men are under the direction of Kelly Truax, while woman are directed by Tamra Novinska.


Many boys and girls who are in Choir also are involved in Co-Curricular events. All listed below are directed by Kelly Truax, with the exception of Show Choir, where she teaches Vocals and Ann Berry teaches Choreography.

High School Band

The Prairie High School Band program offers a comprehensive music education experience that includes the Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, the Prairie “Hawks” Marching Band, Jazz I, Jazz II, three Percussion Ensembles, and “The Art of Noize!” Pep Band (that being the way they spell Noise). They have won 21 Division I ratings at State Large Group, and 23 straight years of Division I Ratings for the Marching band. Many Students in Band are selected to the All-State Festival. The music department travels to a nationally adjudicated festival every three years, including trips to Anaheim, Orlando, and the Bahamas. All bands are directed by either Craig T. Aune or Deron Jimmerson.

High School Choir

The Choir Program was directed by Justin Sands and Cheri Brummer. Former Director, Peter Westphalen transferred to Washington High School in Cedar Rapids and was replaced by Justin Sands as announced during the Spring of 2011. Many members from Chamber Choir audition and are selected to All-State, and the choir travels to a nationally adjudicated festival every two years. The choir system at Prairie High School is divided up by three levels:

Show Choir

Cedar Rapids is a hotbed of show choir and Prairie is no exception when it comes to getting in on the competition. Prairie hosts Fab Five Show Choir Festival yearly and also competes in multiple competitions across the Midwest. There are two show choirs that compete:

Prairie 'Hawks' Marching Band

The award-winning Prairie 'Hawks' Marching Band is a high-prestige marching band, well known throughout the corridor. They perform at home football games, as well as several Iowa High School Music Association sanctioned competitions.

2011-2012 directors



Prairie Music Association

The Prairie Music Association, or simply PMA, is a parent organization that raises money for the music programs. In the fall, PMA sells Wreaths and Candy, and in the spring sell fruit and candy.